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Sunday 17 March 2013

Best Weight Loss Pills of the Year

Best Weight Loss Pills of the Year

The battle with weight loss is never over. Time and again, people struggle with this problem and the worst case scenario is they do nothing about it. Simply put, they accept the fact that others do have the same problem as they do. Chances are, they just try to be more optimistic about it. A kind of optimism that can turn negative knowing that they just sit down and wait for what fate can bring to their lives.
Weight Loss Pills Comparison Chart:
What should be done then instead of sit down? Well, there are tons of options to think about. It’s good to be optimistic but in a different kind of way. Optimism should translate to the fact that you can do something about this fight. Optimism means that you should search weight loss options out there.
Weight Loss the Natural Way
While certain types of foods and lack of physical activities are common culprits to weight gain, you can start with changing that track if you want to lose excess weight.
Start thinking about dieting and choosing the food you will take in by the mouth. Say goodbye to chocolates and fats that are commonly said to add up bulk not to your muscles but to your fat stores. Try to bid goodbye to sodas as well. They have empty calories that fill you up with fat.
Likewise, you have to struggle to find a way to be physically active. We are reiterating the word “struggle” here simply because we know that it is not easy to start with a weight loss regimen. You have to think of how you can go about the process and what type of workout to stick to. If you do not know which way you are heading, you can always sick the help of a fitness expert. There’s one tailor-made physical activity that will suit your needs.
Dieting and exercise are considered very natural means to explore on weight loss. Yes, they present results that you want but you may have to wait for some time to be sure you have achieved your objectives.
Other Means to Lose Weight
Apart from losing weight through natural means, you can also invoke on several procedures that promise to help you with your dilemma simply because these procedures target the fat stores and removes them from your body. To name a few, you have options such as liposuction or tummy tuck and non-invasive options like mesotherapy.
These options may yield results in as early as one session. That indeed will work to your favor. What might not work is the fact that you may have to take such sessions from time to time to maintain the body figure you desire. Add to that the fact that these sessions are costly and might cost you your entire bank account.
Losing Weight through Weight Loss Pills
In between the natural means and the surgical procedures in losing weight, you also have what we call weight loss pills. It provides balance to your options in that you have a natural solution and at the same time a less costly option than that of weight loss procedures done in the clinic. Putting these features in weight loss pills altogether, you will surely get promising results.
Take note though that coming up with a choice among the many pills offered out there is not that easy. You have another battle to face yet. However, it is not that difficult to take on the road to choosing the weight loss pills you need. All you need are some factors to consider in the purchase.

The factors to consider in your purchase range from reading the label to look at the ingredients and researching for customer testimonials to see results to the fact that you also have to assess the price and overall value that the product may render. When you have brought all these factors to mind, there’s reason enough to say that you are getting a wise investment for your weight loss goals.
In our desire to help you come up with a better choice, we at have ranked the best weight loss pills in the market.
ZendaSlim is in a league of its own. Science rules the day once again. ZendsSlim is the single diet pill on the market that has multiple ingredients which have substantial clinical proof of weight loss, such as Green Coffee Bean extract and African Mango. In fact, there are talks of major drug companies looking into purchasing this product, although no purchase has yet been announced. And, It is the only diet pill that you will get a 120-day money back guarantee with. As if that wasn’t enough, it is also one of a very few diet pills manufactured in an FDA-Certified Laboratory so that what you read on the ingredient list is actually in the pill and of high quality. The only low is that its price is a cut higher than the others, selling for approximately $5 more per bottle than the rest. However, in our view the quality and success of the product far outweigh its additional cost.
Losing 10 pounds in 7 days is now possible with the help of Lipofuze, an extreme weight loss formula that helps you with your struggle as you shake off weight. This formulation is packed with patented ingredients that are said to target four important things when it comes to losing weight. It eliminates that binge eating thing as it also boosts your energy. Likewise, it burns fat weight and not just weight as it also helps you get those lean, sexy muscles you have always desired.
All these benefits in Lipofuze are all thanks to its ingredients called Green Select Phytosome, Chromax, Irvingia Gabonensis and Cissus Quadrangularis. Putting these together, you get quality weight loss pills that sell at around $49.95 per bottle.
Weight loss may used to be a concern for many but with the existence of several breakthroughs in the market, this is no longer a problem. One such breakthrough that is making raves and waves right now is the product called Green Coffee Bean Max, one weight loss formula that can support your weight loss program.
Among the many good things to like about Green Coffee Bean Max is it increases fat oxidation thus leading to weight loss. Add to that, it also helps you lose weight safely; thanks to the fact that it has no additives in its formulation.
Green Coffee Bean Max contains green coffee bean or coffee bean that has not been roasted. This is believed to have the capacity to help burn fat by increasing fat oxidation. Coffee beans, once roasted, lose this ability. This is reason enough to believe then that the product is efficient for weight loss.
Many customers have proven the worth of Green Coffee Bean Max for weight loss. Even doctors have nothing but recommendations for you to try and use this product.
Enjoy Green Coffee Bean Max for only $49.95 and get free bonuses for some of its packages.

2012's Consumer’s Choice Top Diet Product

2012's Consumer’s Choice Top Diet Product

Those familiar with us know that we make every effort to bring you only the most avant-garde weight-loss products available. So when hCG diet drops came along we spent months testing, researching and gathering feedback from consumers and experts alike. Of the nearly 200 hCG brands we investigated emerged one that continually outperformed the others by consistently allowing users to lose 1-2 pounds almost every day until the weight they wanted to lose was gone! This diet drop was so impressive, it was crowned the # 1 Diet Product of The Year!
Our research reveals Biomazing HCG works when nothing else does — so you will lose weight.
Before this product came along, losing weight by cutting calories was a tricky and difficult thing to do — your body would go into starvation mode causing it hoard fat instead of burning it. Just 10 drops 3 times a day are all you need to keep hunger at bay and your body from going into starvation mode while melting away your existing fat reserves like never before. Biomazing™ HCG is backed by irrefutable scientific proof. In our 14 years of existence, Biomazing HCG is the clearest game-changer to date.

Weight Loss Products for Long-Term Weight Losswoman's pants are too bigWeight Loss Guide has been researching the top weight loss diets, diet pills and weight loss products since 1998 to uncover every safe and practical method of long-term weight reduction. With 13 years of customer feedback, data analysis and research gathering under our belts, Weight Loss Guide is able to offer you the most up-to-date weight loss information and innovative weight loss products available.Diet Pills and Their Positive Effects on Those with Health Issuesweight loss pills Diet pills are not only ideal for those trying to achieve their dream physique, but also for individuals trying to lose weight due to health concerns. Persons suffering from diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure can often benefit from the weight loss a diet pill can provide. For those with health concerns, losing the weight permanently is essential. Studies show that medications for medical conditions like high blood pressure and heart disease become less effective overtime. By dropping unwanted weight, consumers are able to boost self-confidence while enjoying the pleasures of enhanced energy, reduced stress and long-lasting superior health. You can view Weight Loss Guide's diet pill comparison chart here.Comparison of Weight Loss ProductsfruitConsumers are constantly bombarded with weight loss products manufacturers' claims of quick and easy weight loss that allege one can drop fat with no change to their daily eating and exercise habits. Unfortunately, many supplements are formulated with ineffective and potentially harmful ingredients. Most weight loss products are not backed up by scientific evidence, and few contain ingredients that are even remotely effective. Weight Loss Guide has gathered research on thousands of brands to help you determine which weight loss product can actually help you lose weight. We have combined our findings with customer feedback and expert opinion to determine the top diet pills that really work.Life-Changing Benefits of a Fitness Exercise Programwoman exercisingWhile most nutrition experts understand the benefits of combining fitness exercise with a weight loss program, it seems that many dieters are still not getting the recommended amount of daily physical activity. Weight Loss Guide understands the importance of fitness exercise not only for losing weight, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Consistent exercise can enhance the immune system, support brain function, prevent depression, inhibit disease as well as improve sleep. We have developed a comprehensive fitness exercise section to help our visitors get started, stay motivated and find the best workout plan (at home or at the gym) for their unique individual needs.

Weight loss diet pills

Weight loss diet pills

Diet pills are a very tempting option for someone who has many failed diets under her belt. In addition, the commercials, promoting pills always quick and easy take off weight loss promise. It is important to know that many diet pills and weight loss AIDS are fake. Americans spend weight loss products an obscene amount of money, especially weight loss pills. âAccording to fat-exploding the myths of Lisa Colles, spend the Americans allegedly between $30-50 billion a year on diets, weight loss programs and products. A whopping $6 billion spent on weight loss pills and products that are not real.

There are many different types of diet pills, which can largely be classified in the following categories:

Prescription diet pills: these pills will suffer first and foremost for the debilitating obesity created. Weight loss pills are not false solution to the problem, nor are they proposed as a replacement for the conventional weight loss and management methods such as exercise and diet. At the traditional weight-loss techniques not the desired result, deliver, losing the most people, motivation, and confidence in the process. Thus they turn fix to quick responses, such as diet pills. The pills that are prescribed are only under certain conditions and in certain dosages. On the other hand have their side effects are closely monitored.

Over the counter weight loss pills: uncertainties of weight loss that is industry cashing in on the average American already about body image and a specific definition of beauty, how thin you are based. It Stokes industrys success on the diet. They make diet drugs and call them dietary supplements and these so-called "supplements" are largely unregulated. Are still not stringent tests by the Federal Government are subject to labeling requirements enforced, such as in the case of the prescription weight loss pills. Moral of the story: If weight loss diet pills are your only recourse, better seek medical attention, before you take them, rather than after.

Weight loss diets detailed contains information about weight loss diets weight loss diets, weight loss diet pills, easy weight loss diets, and more quickly. Free weight loss programsis part of weight loss diets.

Tips for Losing Weight Easily

Tips for Losing Weight Easily

Weight loss is a huge industry with many different companies all promoting their idea of how it is best to lose weight. Diet products from shakes to bars and vitamins are all advertised almost everywhere we go and almost in everything we read. Every day we are bombarded with various articles all telling us how to eat healthily and how to lose weight successfully. We all talk about our weight and probably think about it countless times during the day.
So why is obesity such a huge epidemic in the western world?
Of course there are many complex answers to this and its a question that has prompted a wealth of scientific research, study and theory. Sometimes opinions and advice can vary greatly and are divided, with ideas that tell us the opposite of each other, so it is really difficult to work out the truth and know which advice to follow.
Diets come in many different packages all claiming to be the one! However it might actually be far better to apply the KISS technique of keep it simple stupid to our food and eating habits. Weight loss doesn't have to be time consuming or difficult but you must first break the bad habits that are probable part of your daily life. That means really thinking about how you eat and how you view your food. Giving honest answers to these questions is a good start.
Do you use food as a reward or treat? It's okay to do this but just make sure you are not treating yourself too often.
Is the food you eat a replacement for emotional need? Food will never fill an emotional hole in your life so think about what else you could do to fulfill that emotional need. This does not have to be complicated but can include really simple things such as making a phone call to a friend, arranging a social meeting or just having a nice hot bath and relaxing.
Do you eat more food than you need to? What are your portion sizes like could it be that you are in the habit of eating too much for your bodies needs. If you are in a very active job or exercising a lot you will obviously need more than if you are sat at a desk all day.
Learn to eat mindfully and consciously being fully aware of all the food you are putting in your mouth can help you to re educate yourself and modify your food intake reducing calories without even missing the extra food.
Lisa Smith is a Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist at Cheshire Hypnotherapy Est 10yrs in Altrincham. I am a member of the National Council for hypnotherapy. I often help clients with psychological issues such as stress and anxiety. I also help clients with Phobias, IBS, Insomnia, Bulimia and childbirth. Hypnotherapy is also great for stopping smoking and weight loss.

Different Types of Weight Loss Medications and the Way in Which They Work

There are three main categories of remedies that are most commonly used by men and women that are obese or overweight and would like to lose excess weight. These three categories include appetite suppressants, prescription form fat blockers, and over-the-counter (OTC) tablets.

There are numerous men and women each and every day that are on the lookout for drugs that work fast. One of the biggest problems that many of these people run into on this plight is there are quite a few pills that are claimed to work very quickly on the market that do not actually work at all. This is a problem that often makes it very difficult, and for some people it is almost impossible, to find weight loss pills that will effectively result in the loss of excess pounds they would like to lose. Another problem some people run into is they have no idea which of the many types of remedies will work best for them, as there are several different types available.

Appetite suppressants – A few of the most popular types of appetite suppressants that lots of overweight people today use includes Tenuate and Meridia. Medication such as this work to change the way the trigger occurs in a certain portion of the human brain called the hypothalamus that has the job of controlling a person’s appetite. Appetite suppressants cause the norepinephrine and serotonin that are produced to be blocked, which actually make a person’s body feel as if they have consumed a large meal, when in fact all they consumed was a very small meal. The higher the level of chemicals that are contained in appetite suppressants that reach the brain, the more a person will feel the sensation of being full, which means they will eat much less. What can be additionally beneficial to people suffering with obesity that use these tabs is when certain types of foods are consumed, they work in conjunction with the appetite suppressants to trigger the response of not being hungry. What is so great about this action is it can be done on a low calorie diet that contains healthy food choices.

Prescription form fat blockers – This particular type of diet pills works against lipase, which is an enzyme found in the body. The normal process that the body’s system usually performs is to send fat that is consumed from a wide variety of food products to the person’s digestive system and intestinal tract. When these tablets are used, a certain amount of the fat that is consumed is then passed rather swiftly through the person’s body, which helps to prevent it from becoming absorbed.

Over-the-counter (OTC) medications – There is a wide range of medicines that can be purchased at most any local supermarket or drug store, and can even be found on a number of websites online. The way in which a majority of over-the-counter pills work is by providing the body’s metabolism with a boost and raising the user’s energy level. When a person’s metabolism is increased, it also causes the capacity of which fat cells within the body are burned to be raised to higher levels. The result is calories start to burn away much quicker. Two of the most commonly used ingredients in OTC tabs are caffeine and green tea.

Another category of diet tablets that is becoming increasingly popular among men and women that are overweight or obese is natural herbal remedies. The ingredients that are contained in herbal remedies are found to be extremely powerful and effective for causing a reduction in weight. Another advantage is they can be purchased on sites all over the Internet and be found in health food stores without needing a prescription from a medical doctor.

While there are many types of drugs available on the market today, Phenterminn is one that has continued to earn its spot in the limelight. There are actually several different reasons for this, and they are as follows:

A prescription from a medical doctor is not required
They promote weight loss quickly
There is no fear of suffering from a number of different harmful side effects, as they do not cause any
They are much more effective than many of the other choices in diet pills

Phenterminn is a drug that works fast. It is very strong prescription Phentermine alternative and was created by HealthLabs LLC in an attempt to provide the overweight public with a powerful way to drop weight having to routinely be seen by a medical professional to monitor progress. Not only it effectively suppresses a person’s normal appetite, but it also works very well at improving energy levels, promote burning of fat 24 hours a day, and they give the user’s metabolism a supercharge.

One advantage that is not found with a lot of other choices in remedies is Phenterminn will not cause any harm to the central nervous system. The ingredients that are contained in Phenterminn are derived from a scientifically advanced which helps to provide a boost to their effectiveness at breaking down fat cells within the body. The result of this action is the user is able to benefit from weight loss that occurs much faster than what occurs with some of the other appetite suppressants. Another advantage that many men and women are finding to be a huge benefit is when they take Phenterminn is not only does the body fat begin to burn, but their overall level of energy is enhanced a great deal. When energy levels are increased it causes it to be much more achievable to engage in all types of activities and regular exercise routines. This adds to the weight loss effects of the pills which makes the loss of weight occur that much faster.

Much of the success that is achieved with Phenterminn is due to an element contained in these drugs that are referred to as Sympathomimetic Amine. This element works as a trigger to the brain, which then causes the release of norepinephrine and it results in a glucose level and metabolism that is increased. When glucose is produced at a higher level it causes a decrease in the signals of hunger that are sent to the brain, which results in weight loss. The foods that a person consumes are also processed at a much faster rate than normal and the absorption of essential nutrients occurs without gaining excess weight.

Phenterminn is recognized as medications that work fast because they are so effective at promoting a suppressed appetite. This is achieved through the improvement of cAMP (Cyclic AMP) which occurs from elements that are referred to as Cha De Burge, Yerba Mate, Hordenine, Vitamin B6 and Forslean. The main job of each of these is to prompt suppression of the appetite.

Any person that would like to lose weight and keep the weight off will want to incorporate a regular amount of exercise and an adequate diet into their daily routine while taking Phenterminn fast. This helps to cause an even faster action of the appetite suppressant pills and it helps to ensure that any weight that is lost will stay off.

weight loss atkins diet


There are numerous ways to lose weight. Some methods work wonders while some yield nothing despite you putting all in it. The battle of bulge can be excruciating, but it is not an effort that goes wasted.
Weight loss is nothing more than the foods you eat and the exercise routine you follow. The edibles in your kitchen shelf may not decide your weight, but what you make of them and in what portions definitely does.
Most people who target quick weight loss successfully ignore the essence of eating balanced meals and eating them in the right portion sizes. Also, the self-crafted diets welcomingly churn out the fat, only to make you bulkier the instant you go back to your regular eating habits. This is where thoughtfully designed weight loss diets come into play.
Weight loss entails a change in one’s dietary habits as well as scaling up the level of physical activity. With a sensible combination of these two factors, you can boast of tremendous results to your weight loss goals.


The logic behind dieting and resultant weight loss is the calorie intake. Weight loss requires that one expends more calories than one consumes. In cases contrary to this, the body’s excess calories start getting stored as fat.
Dieting, as commonly understood, does not imply starving oneself to weight loss. It refers to eating in a regulated and controlled environment in order to reduce, increase or sustain one’s body weight. It must always be supported with physical exercise for long-term gains.
Here is a list of the most promising weight loss diets which will help you achieve your resolute goal of quick weight loss.


Fig: The Atkins Diet

What is the story behind it?

Formulated by Dr. Robert C. Atkins, a cardiologist, the Atkins Diet is a revolutionary weight-loss diet plan. Dr. Atkins, convinced of the negative effects of excess carbohydrates on the weight and overall health of his patients, established this diet in early 70’s.
This low-carb diet restricts carb intake to a maximum of 20 grams per day and in case of a food which is restricted from consumption, one is expected to keep away from it completely.
His first book was published in 1972, by the name of Dr. Atkins Diet Revolution. Since then, the diet has become a rage in weight-loss circles, with Dr. Atkins testifying the use of this diet for himself a numerous times.
In the words of its founder, this diet is “the amazing no-hunger weight-loss plan that has helped millions lose weight and keep it off.”
It sounds too tempting to turn your back on, doesn’t it? But what is this diet all about and how far does it hold true?

Diet Type

High-fat, low-carbohydrate diet

What to expect?

As far as the results of this diet are concerned, Atkins claims that “most people will lose 4.5- 13.6 kilograms in the first month.”
The Atkins Diet Centre claims that the diet is superior to low-fat diet plans, thus effectuating individual weight loss.

What are the foods it includes?

The main class of foods for the Atkins diet is protein foods since they have little or no carbohydrates. While protein foods like meat, sea food and eggs are the perfect choice for an Atkins diet, there are other protein foods to be watchful with. Here are a few tips on how to eat protein foods while on a low-carb diet:

Food Type How to Choose
Keep a tab of the carbohydrate count of vegetables that you consume. Veggies carry a large chunk of carbohydrates. Ensure you intake 12-15 grams of carbs a day from vegetables alone. 
Since cheese contains not more than a gram of carbohydrate per ounce, Atkins permits 3-4 ounces of cheese consumption during the induction phase.This excludes cottage cheese and farmer’s cheese while cream cheese is included.
Fats and Oils
Lots of cold-water fish, Foods with omega-3 fatty acids, Virgin or extra-virgin olive oil, Cold-pressed or expeller-pressed Canola, Groundnut and Grapeseed oil for stir-frying, Full-fat mayonnaise, butter and other saturated fat sources. Avoid Corn, Soy, Safflower and Sunflower Oil unless consumed in small amounts and are cold or expeller pressed. Do not eat margarine unless it is trans-fat free.
Additional Foods
Lemon/Lime juice: 2-3 tablespoon, Heavy cream: 2-3 tablespoon, Sour cream: 28.4 g, Olives: 10-20 Avocado (small): ½. Keep a count of carbohydrates and consume extra fibre.
Water is king. Consume 8 glasses of water a day while you are on Atkins diet. Sugar-free soda, plain or flavored sugar-free, decaf coffee and tea. Avoid all sugary beverages, including juice and cider.
Sugar Substitutes
Preferably sucralose (Splenda). Avoid powdered sweeteners as they have additional 1 gram carb per pack.

The phases of Atkins Diet

Atkins diet has four phases, wherein each phase incorporates higher degree of carbohydrates as you proceed from one phase to another.
Phases of Dukan Diet
Phase 1: InductionIt is the initial “fourteen-day” diet which focuses on balancing the metabolism. The body’s metabolism, during this phase, shifts from that of a carbohydrate-burning to a fat-burning one.  Cravings are arrested by way of abstinence and the blood sugar levels stabilize while the body breakdowns addictive eating patterns. It is the most difficult phase of the diet where each carbohydrate is kept a count of, including those from chewing gums and cough syrups! It is not unusual to achieve a 2.5 kg weight loss or more in a week while in this phase.
Fruits, grains, breads, starchy vegetables and dairy products other than cheese, cream, or butter are completely disallowed in this stage.
Phase 2: Ongoing Weight Loss (OWL)The remaining 3 stages gradually require a slow addition of more carbs in the diet while making room for more deviations from the initial list of restrictive foods. The final stage, i.e. Maintenance, arms the dieter with the knowledge and practice of consuming manageable levels of carbohydrate levels without inviting weight gain.
Phase 3: Pre-Maintenance
Phase 4: Maintenance


What is the intensity of exercise required?

Since Atkins diet entails a low-carb diet, exercise must be kept to moderate levels. With less carbohydrate store in your body, rigorous exercising will burn off fat quickly followed by burning glycogen and water, leaving your muscles lifeless and dehydrated.

How does it work in reducing fat?

Atkins diet results in weight loss based on the principle of Ketosis, a process which burns excess fat (secondary source of energy after carbohydrates) stored in the body since carbohydrate reserves are depleted due to limited carbohydrate intake.
High carbs means high insulin production in the body. Due to raised insulin levels, the food readily converts into body fat. Thus, lower carb consumption leads to lesser insulin production in the body, burning the existing fuel for energy that is fat for the loss of carbohydrates.
Ketosis is stimulated in cases where carbohydrate intake is below 40 grams per day. On an average, a person consumes more than 300 grams of carbohydrates in a day.


The Atkins diet is dangerous for people with medical conditions such as heart disease, hypertension, kidney problems and diabetes. Also, pregnant and lactating women must refrain from following this diet.

weight loss atkins diet

stalled your weight loss...
Hi everyone,

I'm just wondering if any of you would be willing to share a list of items that have stalled you (past or present)? I'm losing VERY slowly and my ketostix have gone from dark purple to cream for the past week and a half but I haven't changed what I've been eating or drinking.
I have lost 14 pounds in two months - one week of which has been a complete stall. I am grateful for that but I have a feeling there may be things stalling me. I'm hoping that I'm not metabolically resistant but weighing in at 315, I feel that I should be losing a lot faster than this.

It is my TOM as of today so I am trying to tell myself that I have been retaining water. I drink between 3-4 liters(100-140 oz) every day.

Going back to the possible stalling items I think mine may be the following:
Cream - I haven't had this often but maybe this kicks me out of ketosis when I have it on occasion.
Hermesetas sweetener - I use the mini tabs of this around 2 a day. I started using these years ago as I heard they were zero carb/calorie but read only today in DANDR that these are no good. I do have powdered Stevia in the cupboard that I can use instead (and count the carbs of if so)
Atkins bars - I only started having these about two weeks ago and I've had 4 since then. I've read other posts about these being the culprit and am more than happy to cut them out.
Cheese - I account for all of my cheese intake in terms of oz and carb content but has anyone experienced a possible stall from this?
Tea/Coffee - I sometimes have a cup of coffee or tea once a day (black coffee, tea with unsweetened soy). I usually only do this for a boost if I'm really tired as I work 14 hour shifts 5 times a week. I have noticed that I have caffeine sensitivity so don't have it too strong.
Cold cuts - I check for sugar and carb content on all of these but wondered if anyone has had any issue with these? Just incase I'm missing something. I usually use these for quick snacks at work.
Pork Crackling/Scratchings -I've had these a few times if I have a craving for something crunchy. Unfortunately celery is the only vegetable I can't tolerate so I can't munch on that without gagging! Anyone have any problem with these either? I know the sodium is high but I account for that too.

I'd appreciate any input you guys might have. I've been tracking everything I eat online (through sparkpeople) and it all looks ok so I'm a little lost on ideas
